Training for the MULTIPLY Baseline Household Survey in Sierra Leone, 1-8 November 2021

The MULTIPLY project conducted a baseline household survey before the implementation of IPTi through MULTIPLY. The MULTIPLY project aims to increase the uptake of IPTi in infants and increase the protection from malaria by increasing the number of doses given in the first year of life and extending into the second year of life. MULTIPLY will provide research evidence to inform future policy guidelines in moderate-to-high malaria transmission settings.

The household survey was conducted to measure IPTi coverage and malaria prevalence in the project districts. The result will be compared with an endline survey which will be conducted after two years of implementation to understand if the additional doses of IPTi with SP increases protection against malaria and increases the uptake of IPTi.

A team of facilitators from the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal) in collaboration with Statistics Sierra Leone (SSL), the Ministry of Health and Sanitation (MOHS) and the College of Medicine and Allied Health Sciences (COMAHS) conducted a 4-day training for the household survey from the 1st-8th November 2021 in Makeni city. The training was co-facilitated by the MULTIPLY and ICARIA project coordinators, Dr. Augustin Fombah and Mr. Kwabena Owusu-Kyei, the data managers and the Principal Statistician from SSL. The trainees included project staff, the SSL and the MOHS.

The training was both theoretical and practical. The theory covered project overview, random sample selection, Good Clinical Practice, mapping techniques. Then enumerators practiced conducting questionnaires with tablets, interviews and exercises; nurses practiced performing malaria Rapid Diagnostic Tests, identifying severe malaria, administering treatment for uncomplicated malaria and referral of severe cases. Each survey team was composed of several enumerators, one nurse and one supervisor. The training was followed by a 2-day pre-test to make sure everything was ready to do the survey in the following weeks.


MULTIPLY Stakeholders Meetings in Sierra Leone – November 2021

The MULTIPLY project was officially launched in Makeni city on the 19th November 2021. It was attended by national and district stakeholders from Bombali, Port Loko and Tonkolili districts, where the project will be implemented. Among the attendees were traditional, administrative and political leaders, as well as other health partners. The local and international principal investigators, Professor Mohamed Samai and Dr. Clara Menéndez, were present to address key questions.

During the project launch, other stakeholders committed to fully support this initiative to improve child health. It was emphasised that continuous stakeholder engagement throughout the project implementation, through media coverage and robust community sensitisation, was essential for community acceptance and participation.

Prior to the project launch, a familiarisation meeting was held with stakeholders, community leaders and partners in each of the three project districts to explain the project. The MULTIPLY coordinator, Dr. Augustin Fombah, presented the project overview. The meetings were held to gain the support of stakeholders and strengthen collaborative efforts among community leaders.


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